Thursday, January 20, 2022

Short story – “No Shame”

“No Shame”

“Hello to all my fans and fellow Truth-seekers.  This is just a superfast update.  I know it’s been a few weeks since I put up a video, and it’s because I’ve been working on something big.  Just as a little preview, according to ‘state astronomers,’ Venus is the closest planet to Earth.  So why do we send all our spaceprobes to Mars?  What about Venus don’t they want us to know?

“Hopefully, I can take care of a few personal things, and get that video of what I’ve discovered up by the end of the week.  So keep an eye out for it and remember, ‘The Truth is hidden, but only if we don’t look.’”

Robin stopped the recording and looked to her boyfriend Sam.  “Do you ever feel guilty?” she asked.

“Of what?”

“You make videos of such ... blatant bullshit just so the gullibly ignorant will check them out and hopefully click on the ads so you can make a few pennies.”

Sam smiled.  “Would it be better if I wrote books of blatant bullshit and sold it for $24.99?”

Robin frowned, but didn’t reply.

“Didn’t someone much wiser than I,” Sam said, “once say ‘a fool and their money are soon parted?’ Of course, I’m not the one taking the money.  I’m taking money from the people trying to sell those gullibly ignorant sops the $24.99 books, and DVDs, and whatever other crap they have.”

“Is that such a distinction?”

Sam stood and put his hands on her shoulders.  “Hey, maybe the stuff I post is such blatant bullshit some of these idiots might figure out they are being played for fools and start looking at things more critically.”

Robin raised an eyebrow.

“At least, one can hope,” Sam added.


This began after I watched a video about some moon conspiracy theories back in June 2014.  I wondered if I could come up with some bullshit stories to maybe part some money from conspiracy fools, but didn’t think I’d have the stamina to do it long enough for it to be worth it.  But I could write a short story, which I posted on a site that’s no longer around.  I have no idea why I felt the need to polish it up and repost it.

In case you’re wondering, the reason we send more probes to Mars than Venus is that we can actually land a rover on Mars and have it do science for years instead of melting after half an hour.

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