This is just an odd little story from my life.
When I was in college
back in the mid to late 90’s, I had a summer job for a natural gas
company. There were six or so of us
college kids who mowed yards, painted water tanks, and did other odds and
ends. One of these fellow Summerhelp was
this woman who did not get along with me.
Mainly because I was always picking on her, because it was fun.
Looking back older,
wiser, and less of an asshole, I would say that my picking on her wasn’t
bullying. It was more along the lines of
an older brother being annoying. As an
example, one of the few things I remember is at one point she needed some minor
surgery and one of the things she was worried about was paying for it. So I, standing six or so feet from her, took
out my pocket knife and – not using it in a threatening manner – said I would
do it much cheaper. I don’t remember her
exact response, but it was probably something akin to rolling her eyes.
Anyway, this Summerhelp program
was only open to kids in college, and I think we were both graduating so it was
our final summer there. And her last day
was a week or so before my last day. For
some time I wondered what I should do as a “going away” present, and I finally
decided to go up to her just before she left and say, “In ten years, we’ll be
glad we no longer know each other.” I thought I was pretty smart for thinking
up such a perfect way to sum our relationship up.
For a week or so, I patiently
bided my time. And then her last day
came. And I waited, and I think I went
to do something and figured to tell her when I came back, but when I came back
I learned that she left an hour early.
Over the twenty-plus years
since, I’ll randomly remember this and feel slightly disappointed I didn’t get
to say my brilliant line. But I also
wonder, if I had gotten to say it, would I eventually forget about it? After ten years or so, would I have forgotten
all about her and do I still remember her just because she, accidentally, out
tricked me?
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