(This is a revised version of a Persona
Paper post.)
After blowing up a drug lab, Bond goes to
Miami to relax. There he’s met by Felix with orders to look after Auric
Goldfinger. Bond sees that Goldfinger is cheating at cards by having Jill
Masterson watch his opponent’s cards through binoculars and relay what he has
to Goldfinger through his “hearing aid.” Bond screws that up then takes Jill to
bed. Later that night – while getting more Champaign – Bond is knocked out by
Goldfinger’s henchman Oddjob. When Bond wakes up, Jill is dead, having been
painted gold.
Bond goes to London and is told to
discover how Goldfinger is smuggling gold. Bond plays golf with Goldfinger,
betting bars of “lost” Nazi gold. Both cheat at the game, but Bond wins. Before
Goldfinger leaves, Bond bugs his car.
Goldfinger flies to Switzerland and Bond
follows. There he runs into Jill’s sister Tilly, who wants revenge on
Goldfinger. Bond sneaks into Goldfinger’s factory and discovers that he is
melting down gold and hiding it in the frame of his car. Bond also overhears
Goldfinger talking about Operation Grand Slam. Tilly shows up again and trips
an alarm. Oddjob kills her and Bond is captured.
Goldfinger ties Bond to a table and starts
burning through it with a laser. He has all intention of killing Bond, but Bond
mentions Operation Grand Slam. Not wanting to maybe tip things off, Goldfinger
spares Bond.
Bond wakes up on a plane being flown by
Goldfinger’s pilot, Pussy Galore. They end up at Goldfinger’s horse farm in
Kentucky. Bond escapes from his cell and overhears Goldfinger having a meeting
with various mob bosses. He tells them his plan to spray nerve gas – which they
helped smuggle into the country – over Fort Knox. One of the bosses isn’t
interested in hearing more, so Goldfinger pays him in gold and Oddjob is to
drive him to the airport. The other bosses Goldfinger gases. Bond is
recaptured, and tries to get a message to Felix with the leaving boss, but
Oddjob kills him and crushes the car.
Bond works out Goldfinger’s real plan.
Instead of stealing the gold in Fort Knox, he’ll set off a dirty bomb. With the
American gold supply radioactive, Goldfinger’s gold will be even more valuable.
Bond works his magic on Pussy. The next
day, they spray the gas over Fort Knox knocking out the soldiers and drive in.
But it turns out that Pussy alerted the authorities and changed the nerve gas
to something harmless. All the soldiers were just acting. There’s a big fight
between the soldiers and Goldfinger’s men, Bond kills oddjob, and they stop the
bomb before it can go off. But Goldfinger puts on an American uniform and
Pussy is going to fly Bond to Washington
to meet with the President, but Goldfinger is on the plane. They struggle, a
gun goes off and Goldfinger is sucked out of a window. Bond and Pussy parachute
to safety.
If you asked people to name some iconic
James Bond moments, two that would most likely come up are the girl painted
gold and the lines, “Do you expect me to talk?” “No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to
die.” Both of those come from this movie, and with cool gadgets in his car, the
iconic henchman of Oddjob, and Pussy Galore, Goldfinger is what you expect a classic Bond movie to be like. Having
seen the twenty some movies in this franchise, this third movie seems to be
when they finally got their feet under them.
However, there are some issues. One of the
biggest is the whole car crush thing. It doesn’t make any sense. Why not just
walk that one boss into another room, shoot him, and dispose of his body with
the rest? Why shoot him, and then crush the car? I think Goldfinger even talks
about having to recover the gold he paid the boss with from the crushed car. So
why crush the car in the first place? If it was so important to shoot the guy
off the premises – where you just gassed a dozen guys to death – why not just
drive back without crushing the car?
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