Thursday, May 26, 2016

Orphan Black Season 4 recap – “The Scandal of Altruism”

“The Scandal of Altruism”


Blonde Beth went to some party at BrightBorn.  She knocks into a waiter who spills a drink on Susan.  Beth follows her to the restroom where she pulls a gun on her.  She thinks Susan is the head of it all and if she’s dead then all the monitoring and everything will end.  But Susan talks to her, revealing that she knows about Beth, even knowing that Beth’s dad was abusive, in some fashion.  Susan says that if Beth kills her, someone else will just take over who won’t protect the clones.  Beth eventually leaves.

In the present, Cosima tells Sarah that she and Scott haven’t found a way to cure her yet.  her only real hope is to give Susan Kendall’s DNA so she can restart the cloning business in return for curing Cosima and getting Sarah’s maggotbot out.  They don’t want Susan to be able to restart the Castor disease, but Cosima says there’s a way around that.

Sarah goes to BrightBorn to make the deal.  But first, Sarah wants to know about the maggotbot.  Leekie’s was to stop him from getting Alzheimer’s.  Sarah’s is to randomly test different genes to find out which ones will make her sick, since she is naturally immune.  Kendall’s leukemia is in her Leda DNA half, so they will give Susan some cancer cells.  She will get Leda DNA, but not Castor.  Ira isn’t too happy with that, but Susan agrees.  She gives Sarah a hard drive so that Cosima can copy all of her research. 

At the police station, Art hears Krystal trying to get protection because beauty companies are going after whistleblowers like herself over the illegal human testing they’re doing in their products.  Art distracts Duko so he doesn’t see her, and he takes Krystal to talk.  He realizes that she doesn’t know anything about the clones.

Art takes Krystal to his apartment where Felix comes in posing as a detective from Scotland Yard.  Krystal remembers him as the guy who stole her wallet, so she maces him.  But Felix explains that she’s right about everything, but she needs to be quiet to be safe.  He gives her a phone for emergencies.  Krystal mentions the “French doctor,” and Felix asks about Delphine.  Krystal says she saw Delphine get shot.

Scott, Mrs. S., and Kendall go to Felix’s where Susan is brought in.  She observes as they take Kendall’s blood and start screening out the cancer cells.  Kendall leaves, but someone attacks her and her driver.

Sarah and Cosima show up at BrightBorn.  Cosima assists Evie who takes the maggotbot out of Sarah.  During the process, it starts to leak toxin, but Cosima blots it away.  Sarah leaves to go to Felix’s while Cosima stays at BrightBorn. 

Sarah finds the blood stains from the attack, and rushes up to Felix’s.  She dumps bleach on the samples, and they take Susan hostage to their safe house.  They figure that Ira must have taken Kendall.  Susan gives Sarah and Benjamin her hotel card and they go there.  But Ira didn’t take Kendall, he – thinking that Susan was abandoning him for Leda – tried to OD.  They get him to the hospital in time.

At BrightBorn, Cosima hands over her data and then they find out that Susan has been taken.  In the shuffle, Cosima manages to grab the bottle with Sarah’s maggotbot.

Kendall is in a van in the middle of nowhere with Duko.  He says he’s in over his head.  He later says that there are people he needs to protect.

Scott calls Sarah saying some Trojan program has erased all their data.  They figure that this is a coup against Susan orchestrated by The Engineer, Evie.  Evie doesn’t care about clones, she sees them as old technology.  She’s more interested in newer biotech like the maggotbots. 

Possibly, part of why Evie doesn’t care for clones is that she had set Beth up to kill Susan so she could take over a year ago.  But when Beth didn’t shoot Susan, she went and found Evie’s car.  Evie tells her that she knows too much, and if she runs, all of her family and friends will suffer.  Her best hope to save them would be to shoot herself.  Beth punches Evie repeatedly – getting the blood on her hands and giving Evie a scar on her cheek – before Duko stops her.  He doesn’t want to shoot a cop, and neither does Beth.  So Beth goes home, meets with MK, then goes to the train station.

Evie takes Cosima out to see Kendall and say goodbye.  Duko shoots Kendall, then burns the van so there won’t be any DNA.  Evie then tells Cosima that Delphine was shot and killed, and gives her her phone back to call Sarah and tell her it is all over.


My predictions.  Duko is dead.  Mrs. S. won’t torture him or give him a chance to beg, she’ll just go, “You killed my mom,” bang.  Art will probably try to get him to go to jail for murder, but killing a cop – even a dirty cop – will push him, possibly out of the group.

I’m betting that Sarah, along with Susan, Rachel, and Ferdinand will all band together to take down Evie.  Which will cover the rest of the season.  I’m betting that maybe at the very end, some of Kira’s … magic, or whatever will come into play, but I’d say they’d probably save that for next season.

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